Say goodbye to forgotten memories
Capture your loved one's life story
Preserve your loved ones' stories and memories for generations to come.
Deepen your connection with them
Spend quality time learning more about and connecting with the people that love you most.
Discover stories you never knew
The Interview Kit includes questions you never thought to ask so you can learn things you never knew.
Show them you care
Nothing says "I love you" more than the gift of quality time preserving their legacy.
Everything you need is in the box...
The right questions at the right time
✔ 150 questions written by our team of expert interviewers and trained narratologists
✔ Mixture of chronological and reflective questions that spark meaningful conversations
✔ Divided into three eras of life: Early Life, Mid Life, and Later Life & Reflection
✔ 350gsm premium matte finish so they last for years to come
Simple step-by-step instructions
✔ Techniques for asking effective follow-up questions and digging deeper
✔ Practical advice on how to get your loved one to open up and share their stories
✔ Suggestions for fostering a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere that promotes sharing
✔ Strategies for using active listening and storytelling techniques